Project Description
Parkfairfax Condominium HOA
Alexandria, VA
Building Usage: Occupied Condominium Buildings
Number of Stories: Three (3) stories
Number of Units: Varies per Building
Construction Contract Value: $150,000 to $350,000 (varies)
Type of Work: Structural stabilization including helical pier underpinning and subsurface drainage modifications. This work also involved foundation and masonry wall repairs and foundation waterproofing as well as crawl space ventilation and vapor barrier enhancements. Subsurface drainage was also addressed as part of the remedial work.
SRG’s Role: SRG was retained initially to investigate the structural settlement and differential movement occurring at one (1) building where significant masonry wall distress was visible. A geotechnical consultant was retained to evaluate the subsurface conditions and provide recommendations for stabilization and water management. SRG developed a remedial design package for the subject building and the package was competitively bid. SRG assisted the Owner in the contract negotiation phase as well as performed the construction observation and contract administration services during the construction phase of work. SRG also served as the Structural Engineer of Record on this project.
Three (3) other buildings experienced differential foundation settlement over a period of several years that required stabilization as well. These buildings also required underpinning using helical piers and subsurface drainage systems. Masonry repairs to address various masonry issues were also included in each of these projects.
The project also included a property wide survey to identify and prioritize the buildings into three (3) categories as follows:
- What buildings require or may in the future required foundation stabilization;
- Which buildings require masonry façade maintenance/repair and should be surveyed periodically; and
- Which buildings are low priority and seem to not be impacted by shrink/swell sensitive clay soils.
This survey was used as the basis for future planning and budgeting in anticipation of the need for future foundation stabilization, masonry repair and periodic maintenance work.