Project Description
High Point South Condominium
High Point South Condominium
Ocean City, MD
Building Usage: Occupied Condominium Building
Number of Stories: 14 stories
Type of Work: The restoration project included the repair of deteriorated concrete, installation of new sealants, application of pedestrian membrane coatings the walkways, application of a protective coating on the exterior building surfaces, replacing the deteriorated stucco and repairing the deteriorated pre-stressed concrete planks where repair was not possible. Details were implemented to help protect the pre-cast columns from experiencing accelerated deterioration at specific positioning pinions.
SRG’s Role: SRG was retained to perform an investigation and condition survey of the severely deteriorated façade, walkways and balconies, as necessary, to generate a written report. Our survey included sampling of the walls and walkways to determine the materials used in construction as well as performing water tests to determine the extent and points of entry for water infiltration. SRG assisted the Owner in the contract negotiation phase and then performed construction observation and contract administration services during the construction phase of the work.