Blair Heights Apartments

Blair Heights Apartments

Blair Heights Apartments
Silver Spring, MD

Building Usage: New Construction-Apartment Building

Number of Stories: 9 stories

Construction Contract Value: $25 Million (approximate)

Type of Work: Design review and consulting as well as construction observation services related to the building envelope design. The building utilized a drained masonry cladding system that incorporated one of the first exterior insulation (EI) systems constructed in the Metropolitan Washington area. The building was constructed with a “bathtub” type below grade waterproofing system which utilized a bentonite waterproofing system.

SRG’s Role: SRG was retained by the developer to review the original architectural design documents and provide comments relative to the detailing and design intent. The purpose of our work was to assist the Architect of Record with refining the detailing in order to provide a level of assurance to the developer, their investors, and financial institutions that the exterior envelope design (foundations, exterior walls, roofing, plazas etc.) will be responsive to the management of water to the exterior of the building as intended.  As part of our work SRG provided comments relative to the design documents and available details, along with recommendations for the architect’s consideration regarding additional detailing that would be helpful to refine and clarify the design intent. SRG also attended progress meetings and reviewed the field installed mock-up panels and provided comments relative to anomalies in the installation work. During construction, SRG performed periodic site visits to confirm the field installed construction was in general conformance with the design.

Ponte Vista Condominium-Coastal

Ponte Vista Condominium-Coastal

Ponte Vista Condominium-Coastal
735 Bradley Road
Ocean City, MD

Building Usage: Occupied Condominium Building

Number of Stories: 5

Number of Units:

Construction Contract Value: 140, 000.00

Type of Work: Repair to deteriorated stucco façade, façade coating, precast concrete balcony and walkway repairs and application of a traffic bearing coatings to the balconies and walkways. Window replacement work was also incorporated into the project.

SRG’s Role: SRG was retained to investigate the severely deteriorated and actively leaking building envelope as well as the balconies, roofing, sundeck area, public walkways and stair wells. SRG then developed a remedial design package that was competitively bid. SRG assisted the owner in the contract negotiation phase and then performed construction observation and contract administration services during the construction phase of the work.

Town Square Towers

Town Square Towers

Town Square Towers Condominium
Washington, DC

Building Usage: Occupied Condominium Building

Number of Stories: Nine (9) stories

Type of Work: The work involved repairs to a severely deteriorated and distorted masonry façade which required removal and replacement of the brick masonry façade and installation of new steel shelf angles and through wall flashings.

SRG’s Role: SRG was retained to investigate the masonry façade and develop a remedial design package for the repair of the wall system which incorporated a phasing plan that was reviewed and updated annually over the duration of this multi-year, multi-phase project. This project was competitively bid and SRG assisted the Owner in the contract negotiation process. The project is currently on going and SRG was been working with the Owner on this project since 2003.

Grosvenor Park II Condominium

Grosvenor Park II Condominium

Grosvenor Park II Condominium
Rockville, MD

Building Usage: Occupied Condominium Building

Number of Stories: 22 stories

Construction Contract Value: $2.8 million

Type of Work: The work mainly involved repairs to a severely deteriorated masonry façade that experienced bulging and was deemed unstable in areas. The remedial work included partial replacement of the masonry façade and installation of through wall flashings and horizontal relief joints. In addition, the project involved repair and in some instances replacement of portions of the terrace waterproofing systems located at various levels on the building.

SRG’s Role: SRG was retained to investigate the masonry façade distress at the building, and develop a repair design package to address the global repair of these elements in a multi phased approach to accommodate the Owners budgeting/cash flow. This work was competitively bid and SRG assisted the owner in the contract negotiation phase. SRG also performed construction observation and contract administration services during construction phases of the work which spanned eight (8) phases over nine (9) years. As part of the work SRG developed a prioritization plan to assist the owner in implementing the work and would update this plan annually as part of the Owners cost management plan.

High Point South Condominium

High Point South Condominium

High Point South Condominium
Ocean City, MD

Building Usage: Occupied Condominium Building

Number of Stories: 14 stories

Type of Work: The restoration project included the repair of deteriorated concrete, installation of new sealants, application of pedestrian membrane coatings the walkways, application of a protective coating on the exterior building surfaces, replacing the deteriorated stucco and repairing the deteriorated pre-stressed concrete planks where repair was not possible. Details were implemented to help protect the pre-cast columns from experiencing accelerated deterioration at specific positioning pinions.

SRG’s Role: SRG was retained to perform an investigation and condition survey of the severely deteriorated façade, walkways and balconies, as necessary, to generate a written report.  Our survey included sampling of the walls and walkways to determine the materials used in construction as well as performing water tests to determine the extent and points of entry for water infiltration. SRG assisted the Owner in the contract negotiation phase and then performed construction observation and contract administration services during the construction phase of the work.

Cloverleaf Center Condominium

Cloverleaf Center Condominium

Cloverleaf Center Condominium
Germantown, MD

Building Usage: Occupied Condominium

Number of Stories: Four (4) stories wood framed buildings

Number of Units: Six (6) of seven (7) buildings comprising 98 units

Construction Contract Value: $1.4 million

Type of Work: Roof replacement; structural wood framing repairs; sheathing replacement and repairs; installation of window, door, and deck flashings; weather resistive barrier installation; replacement of horizontal siding with new vinyl siding and synthetic PVC trim on wood framed structures.

SRG’s Role: SRG was retained to investigate various leak conditions throughout six (6) of seven (7) buildings.  SRG developed a design package to address improperly installed sheathing, repair structural members damaged and deteriorated as a result of water infiltration, roofing replacement, flashing and weather resistive barrier replacement, as well as siding and trim replacement.  Services included bidding and construction observation and contract administration.

Heritage Gate Condominium

Heritage Gate Condominium

Heritage Gate Condominium
Germantown, MD

Building Usage: Occupied Condominium

Number of Stories: Stacked townhouses, three (3) stories above grade

Number of Units: 108 residential units in eight (8) clusters of approximately 72 townhouse style structures.

Construction Contract Value: $1.0 million (approximate value)

Type of Work: Roofing replacement, installation of flashings as windows, doors and deck-to building transitions, as well as weather resistive barrier replacement. Replacement of aluminum siding with new vinyl siding and removal and replacement of wood trim with synthetic PVC trim on wood framed structures.

SRG’s Role: SRG was retained to develop a design package to replace the building envelope (roofing and cladding).  An architect was retained as a sub-consultant to provide a color, siding and trim schedule to update the appearance of the community, and address long-term maintenance issues by replacing the roofing system, flashings and cladding components.  Services included bidding, construction observation and contract administration as well as providing consultations regarding deficient existing decks and development of deck replacement guidelines for the Board to use as a standard community wide.

The Templeton of Alexandria


The Templeton of Alexandria
Alexandria, VA

Building Usage: Occupied Condominium Building

Number of Stories: 15 stories

Number of Units: 166 units

Type of Work: Repair of bulging and deteriorated clay brick masonry façade, concrete balcony rehabilitation, replacement of balcony railings and application of a traffic bearing coating to the balconies.

SRG’s Role: SRG was retained to perform a balcony survey, develop a repair package to address the issues and solicit competitive bids. During the renovation work the building’s façade experienced a sever bulge and the wall system was deemed unstable. SRG performed an emergency investigation and developed a repair to stabilize the distressed wall area. SRG then developed a remedial design package to address the exterior façade issues. SRG assisted the Owner with conducting a façade bidding phase followed by a contract negotiation phase. SRG performed construction observation and contract administration services for both projects which were performed by two (2) separate contracting firms on the building façade at the same time.

SRG is proud to say that this project received an award from the International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI).

Condominium Project

Condominium Project

Condominium Project
Bethesda, MD

Building Usage: Occupied Condominium Building

Number of Stories: 15 stories

Construction Contract Value: $2.4 million

Type of Work: The work involved repairs to a severely deteriorated masonry façade that had experienced bulging/lateral distortion and was deemed unstable in areas. The remedial work included partial replacement of the masonry façade and installation of through wall flashings and horizontal relief joints, as well as repair of concrete balcony wing walls that serve as exterior columns and repair of portions of the deteriorated concrete roof slab.

SRG’s Role: SRG was retained to investigate the masonry façade distress and widespread leaks at the building and develop a repair design package to address the global repair of these elements. This work was competitively bid and SRG assisted the owner in the contract negotiation phase. SRG also performed construction observation and contract administration services during construction which spanned over an approximately two (2) to three (3) year period.  During the course of the work, deterioration of the structural concrete balcony wing walls was encountered and the scope of work was expanded to include repair of these elements as well as repair of other structural concrete elements including the roof slab. Much of this work was performed while the units remained occupied while certain repairs required the temporary relocation of residents.

Hampshire Towers Apartments

Hampshire Towers Apartments/Takoma Overlook Condominium


Hampshire Towers/Takoma Overlook
Takoma Park, MD

Building Usage: Occupied Condominium and Apartment Buildings

Number of Stories: 11 and 12 stories

Construction Contract Value: $3 Million (approximate)

Type of Work: Concrete balcony repair, application of balcony traffic bearing coating, and façade rehabilitation to stabilize and repair distress, installation of expansion and control joints for the masonry façade and structural repair of concrete framing members.

SRG’s Role: SRG was retained to investigate unstable masonry walls (displaced/bulged) as well as rehabilitate extensive concrete deterioration at cantilevered concrete balconies.  SRG performed an assessment of the two (2) existing residential towers. SRG prepared multiple repair packages that were used in three (3) separately phased projects over a number of years for two (2) independent Owners. The work involved providing supplemental support for the masonry façades while incorporating provisions to allow for thermal expansion of the masonry as well as installation of wall flashings, repair and coating of the concrete balconies and repair of deteriorated concrete structural elements throughout three (3) individual projects.  SRG provided bidding services and served as the Engineer of Record and Special Inspector as required by the County during the various construction phases.

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