Blair Heights Apartments
Blair Heights Apartments
Silver Spring, MD
Building Usage: New Construction-Apartment Building
Number of Stories: 9 stories
Construction Contract Value: $25 Million (approximate)
Type of Work: Design review and consulting as well as construction observation services related to the building envelope design. The building utilized a drained masonry cladding system that incorporated one of the first exterior insulation (EI) systems constructed in the Metropolitan Washington area. The building was constructed with a “bathtub” type below grade waterproofing system which utilized a bentonite waterproofing system.
SRG’s Role: SRG was retained by the developer to review the original architectural design documents and provide comments relative to the detailing and design intent. The purpose of our work was to assist the Architect of Record with refining the detailing in order to provide a level of assurance to the developer, their investors, and financial institutions that the exterior envelope design (foundations, exterior walls, roofing, plazas etc.) will be responsive to the management of water to the exterior of the building as intended. As part of our work SRG provided comments relative to the design documents and available details, along with recommendations for the architect’s consideration regarding additional detailing that would be helpful to refine and clarify the design intent. SRG also attended progress meetings and reviewed the field installed mock-up panels and provided comments relative to anomalies in the installation work. During construction, SRG performed periodic site visits to confirm the field installed construction was in general conformance with the design.